Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The "Ism" of it All

I am completely overwhelmed in my studies regarding my study of religion.
Tonight my attempt at interacting with my group was a total bust. My first attempt to connect with Knosis (my group) was basically talking with one member while we waited for the other members to respond to my invitation to Google chat, which we agreed would be at 6 pm. After 30 minutes of a 2 person dialogue considering the definition of religion, Phouthadavy and I wondered how we could contact the others to participate and sent an email to the instructor for phone numbers.

After some frozen computer moments and a consideration that we may not hear from the other members of the group, we decided to meet for coffee tomorrow at 1pm for a continuation.

I went to the patio to work on my printouts for the summary which is due a 12:59am —yeah that means tonight, right?
Well, I came back to my computer after 7pm to check on something and discovered 2 other members on line for the group. I called Phouthadavy and said "Hey, Olivia and Kim made it! Oh wait, they are having technical difficulty and some personal stuff going on while I'm here waiving at a child. Maybe we can all meet tomorrow after all."
Yada Yada... We're meeting tomorrow for coffee.

I'm a little bit lost after rereading the chapter and other supplemental readings and I feel a bit fractured in my learning process. I'm still not quite sure what is expected to succeed at this class but there are a lot of things I want to learn within it

Now back to the summary due at 12:59.
It's loaded with "isms".
I'm loaded with some isms as well;

  • Absolutism in which I am the single absolute ruler of my own schedule and not dependent on others
  • Animism, in which my computer has a soul and is probably going to Hell
  • Resistentialism in which my sofa is demonstrating malice toward me for not relaxing
  • Self-determinism in which I will decide to learn about this subject with or without the intervention of Malism

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