Yesterday I spoke with our wily instructor about how overwhelmed I felt at not really "getting the point" and how I was feeling a little fractured and disjointed about the religious studies structure.
She told me more about Hume as a person after I queried about his actual convictions, which I could not glean from his writings. He seemed to negate every religion and ism equally without ever telling us what he thought was a good thing.
Well, after understanding that Hume was quite the "character" on the Broadway of Religious Studies, I had a domino-effect realization (You know, where one thought topples another until you have a patterned row).
I will not speak of all the individual thoughts but the final row of dominoes looks something like this;
- I now associate the name, Hume with Hume-or and Hume-anity.
- Studying religion is a lot like abstract painting
- There is no structure, we bring structure to it—Joseph Campbell said "There is no meaning, we bring meaning to it"
- Authors like Hume, Gill, Smith, and even Rodriguez get paid per word so that is probably why they use so many
- I will probably never be an academic writer (but we'll see after I take English 1A)
- I want to research a religion that is funny and does not take itself so seriously
- I am a bit intimidated by scholars
- Philosophers and Scholars also must appease their own Medici patrons
- Some of my dominoes are buried under other dominoes
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